Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sprint Internet Filter


In this world, unfortunately, there are individuals who lack the good sense to sit silent . People who speak simply because they have the mouth "and that , behaving in this way, they just show the world all their ignorance and amorality. Use , then, the story of Yara to attack the judiciary is a reprehensible and shameful act , but it is nothing new in this country of jackals that are thrown headlong into tragedy for personal gain and to increase its electoral support (see B and not only in the case Eluana).

The public prosecutor of Bergamo there are the statements of Daniela Santanche , implementation of the Programme Secretary, who yesterday said that the Journal "After the story of the little Yara judges should resign" because " if they had used to research the same resources and technologies that have spent to investigate the girls dell'Olgettina perhaps Yara would still be alive," and breaks the silence that has characterized the last three months of investigation into the murder of Yara Gambirasio. "The absurdity and the bitterness that characterize this statement - reads a note sent to ANSA - are such that it does not deserve any comment by the prosecutor of Bergamo, but I feel obliged to intervene to show how, contrary to authoritative representative of the government, in coordination with the deputy director for investigations, law enforcement, civil defense, police and thousands of local volunteers, with un'abnegazione really unusual, have labored for months in Search Yara Gambirasio while identifying those responsible for any crimes, using all the technology tools also known . Of course, ignores the prosecutor of Bergamo, in quanto utilizzate da altro ufficio di procura, quali siano state le 'risorse e le tecnologie' spese per indagare 'sulle ragazze dell' Olgettina' ma, qualora l'On.Santanchè, che evidentemente ne è a conoscenza, vorrà comunicarcelo, anche se oramai con ritardo, le assicuriamo che siamo pronti a fare altrettanto. Credo che l'on. Santanchè, di fronte a questo tragico evento, abbia perso una buona occasione per restare in silenzio, come ha fatto questo ufficio dal 26 novembre 2010".
Fonte: Leggo.it .


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