Sunday, November 28, 2010

Airwalk Roller Blades


read what is written in the image below below. Facts in TV and newspapers do not speak, unfortunately ...

My compliments Antonio Borghesi and the 22 who voted yes to this law.

The other 498 should be ashamed ..
He says that no one denies that aspire to a seat in parliament certainly not for the money, but to do something good for this country so much in need of new people, young, honest, active, proactive, progressive, willing to work for themselves and for others, unlike a lot of people in there that we have today is not at all of Italy.

Waiting for that day, let's concentrate on doing something good for the citizens of Casale and for those who live within the territory of the mountain community of Two Lakes, Cusio Mottarone and Val Strona, which soon will become director .. And here I do not of course for money, mind you!
And those who think the contrario se ne può andare in quell'amena località chiamata "F*****o"!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Denatl Hygiene Name Tags

November 25: Day of Action to combat violence against women e. .. party of lace.

Non c'è attinenza, ho controllato, non si sa mai.
Il 25 novembre è stato designato come giornata internazionale per l'eliminazione della violenza sulle donne dall'assemblea generale dell'ONU nel 1999, in ricordo dell'assassinio delle tre sorelle Mirabal, che combattevano il regime dittatoriale dominicano di Trujillo, avvenuto nel 1960.
Festa delle merlettaie (ma anche di sarte, modiste, filatrici): in onore di Santa Caterina di Alessandria, che si ricordava in questo giorno, nell'ultima revisione del calendario però è stata eliminata perchè ci sono dubbi sulla sua reale esistenza.

Questa la leggenda: Caterina era una fanciulla colta, di nobili origini, che rifiutò il matrimonio per dedicarsi ai suoi studi. Convertita al cristianesimo, in occasione delle cerimonie per l'insediamento del governatore Massimino, che prevedevano riti pagani con sacrifici di animali, si presentò a palazzo e chiese che fosse riconosciuta come unica religione quella cristiana. Per convincerla a celebrare i culti pagani furono inviati dei filosofi che non solo non la convinsero, ma vennero convertiti a loro volta. I filosofi furono subito uccisi e Caterina condannata a morte sulla ruota dentata, solo che appena la toccò si ruppe, così furono forced to behead.
Because of condemnation of torture on the wheel became the protector deigli craftsmen who use tools to rotate, as the spinners. By analogy, it is also linked to the lace makers, seamstresses, milliners. In Turin, the beginning of the 900 apprentices were called seamstresses and milliners Caterinetta. In France, the patron saint of young unmarried women, in some regions, girls 25 years November 25 to be around with funny hats very green, so that you know are looking for a husband.

In the countries of the Protestant tradition, including Lutheran, but remember Catherine of Aragon, first wife of Henry VIII, who apparently ordered burn all her laces to be able to buy more and give jobs to the lace.

In England, where evidently the lace and many are tied to tradition, on this day are called biscuits Catterns Cakes, wheel-shaped, not by chance. Here's the recipe: COOKIES

of lace (CATTERNS Cakes):
- 300 g flour
100 g of butter - 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
- 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 egg - 25 g blackcurrant (?) replaced with raisins)
- 225 g of sugar cane
- 50 g ground almonds
- 1 / 2 tablespoon baking

Mix all dry ingredients, then add the egg and butter (possibly a bit 'of milk), pull the dough into a rectangle, sprinkle with water and sprinkle with more sugar and cinnamon. Wrap roll not too tight and cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Place on a baking tray and bake at 200 ° apart for about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven while still soft, cooling harden.

At this point, enjoy a nice afternoon tea.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pink Mucus Stain Implantation


PIACENZA-NOVARA (1-2) : 13 Novembre 2010, 15ma giornata. Reti di Marianini (Novara) al 28' pt., Graffiedi (Piacenza) al 3? st. e Bertani (Novara) al 45' st. 

NOVARA-REGGINA (3-1) : 22 Novembre 2010, 16ma giornata. Gli azzurri battono i calabresi con le reti del giovane Manuel Scavone dopo 6' dall'inizio del match. Doubles Bertani to taking pictures (4 'st). At 37 'Cosenza shortens the distance but in the final game Gonzalez marks the final 3-1.
Azzurri still in the lead the standings with 36 points, +5 on Siena, however, must recover the match away with Vicenza, scheduled for Wednesday, December 8.

now to watch them on .

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fairfax County And Gifted And Blog

needle lace Alençon intangible heritage of humanity

Today I read that on 16 November, the UNESCO has declared the needle lace Alençon as representative of the intangible heritage of humanity. Just the lace of which we have reconstructed the history in previous posts, that combination.

Here is the press
Photo taken from
UNESCO lace with a brief description and link to documents of assignment in English and French.
This is the press release (in French) that explains the cultural differences, history, and the selection process that led to the selection of this lace.

As we have said, the needle lace Alençon has the unique designs of eighteenth century origin, which are still played today in the Centre for the Conservation of lace with attached Museum. Today in this town just six (!!!) lace work, they have learned this art with a long apprenticeship of seven years and this year started the learning two young men, for the first time there is a boy . I have not found reports of individuals who teach this art, no schools or workshops. It seems that the only way to learn is to follow the career path. To get an idea
del'esecuzione here is a nice video (in French, but very understandable). As you can see, the lace is run without the support of a pillow, in contrast to the Venice. You work from the bottom, with the needle that moves away from the lace. The uniqueness of this lace is the network of the fund, which is performed first, with a very thin thread.

Image Site: unesco.html
Here, here and here you can see the laces of the Museum of Alençon and Argentan.
recognition should enable UNESCO to expand business the museum and learning center, so it is well known and appreciated and we hope that also provide the opportunity to take courses and the publication of books, for the moment there is only one book "technical" topic: "The Dentelle à l'aiguille "Brigitte Delesque Depalle.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hindi Invitation Card Matter


Let's say that in a short time you should go to elections.
We have that the center chooses to do the primaries to determine who will be the candidate for prime minister and that these two choices are: Pierluigi Bersani and Nichi Vendola. Who do you choose?
Vote the poll suggested the top of this page. And while you're there, also vote on the Ruby ...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Much Does A Linguist Earn


few days ago I saw the announcement of the theme of the next edition of the Aiguille en Fete "to be held in February in Paris

would be nice to go there, even if , I thought that in France do not fit a lot better than us in terms of Needle lace. I
occurred to me that I broke the story of needle lace at the very beginning of its splendor in France, we can see how it continued. We stayed here
France, second half of '600, it was decided to produce the needle laces independently, without having to import because of their exorbitant cost. You install the factories in the North, in Normandy, where they already produced lace and linen yarns suitable was available. Thus began production in Argentan, Alençon and the city of Sedan, which is located on the border with Flanders. The first
much resemble those Venetian lace, but King Louis XIV pays artists to produce new designs, typically French. Meanwhile, fashion is changing, and the king likes to keep his hair long and curly hair loose over her shoulders, they feel stiff lace the hills, so it tends to "soften", both in texture and design. In this period the French production is fairly uniform for style and technique, and is called Point de France

Point de France, late '600

Point de France, beginning 700

The court is one of the biggest clients, and there are designs inspired by its symbol of Louis XIV, the sun

In subsequent years, the fashion changes again: in the 700 dresses are decorated with a frill of lace profuzione, which apply even to the edges of the boots of men. E 'need to generate more light and soft lace. The poor use pillow lace, run faster and less expensive. Do not forget that at the time the needle laces requires the work of several people, each of which dealt only di una fase dalla lavorazione; era perciò più pratico unire le lavoratrici in manifatture, localizzate in alcune citta,per cui la produzione tende a caratterizzarsi maggiormente. Ad Argentan troviamo disegni  floreali di gusto classico, con lo sfondo riempito da esagoni ben evidenti.


Il merletto di Alençon, forse il più conosciuto, ha disegni floreali di gusto spesso naturalistico, con fondo lavorato a Point d'Espagne (punto festone ritorto) con filo sottilissimo, che lo fa somigliare ad un tulle molto fine.



Argentan ed Alençon

Il merletto chiamato Argentella, prodotto prevalentemente ad Alençon, ha invece un fondo occupato in buona parte da esagoni che racchiudono un cerchio, molto elaborato e caratteristico


In alto Argentella, in basso Argentan

Nella città di Sedan che si trova in un'altra zona, i disegni evolvono in modo diverso, mantengono il carattere non naturalistico del punto di Venezia, con molti disegni piriformi circondati da foglie e ramages; i punti di riempimento sono molto vari e conferiscono a particular character in these lace


Top point de Sedan Argentan down
The French Revolution changed everything: fashion becomes more rigorous, the unbridled luxury does not have more space, and manufacturing fell from grace as their major clients, the nobles. They know
another brief period of glory under Napoleon, which seeks above all to revive manufacturing Alençon, adapting the designs to the new fashion.

Alençon lace depicting bees, a symbol of the Napoleonic

'800 beginning comes the real revolution in lace : the construction of frames capable of reproducing the tulle. At this point there is no need to occupy many hours of highly specialized workers. He began the industrial production of lace.

Bibliography and images:
Bury Palliser's History of Lace-
Lefebure, et Dentelles guipures
Lefébure, Les Point de France
(scaricabili da  )

Friday, November 12, 2010

Disney Scrapbooking Pages Free



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Volvo Wheels 5.5jx14x20

Sicurezza Stradale: L'Italia ha fallito obiettivi Carta UE

"Italy has failed the goals set by the European Charter for Road Safety. The 50% decrease in accidents si è fermata a poco sopra il 30% e nell'ultimo fine settimana 5 ragazzi al di sotto dei 30 anni di età sono morti sulle nostre strade. In Italia si parla spesso di norme e troppo poco di sensibilizzazione'' . BastaUnAttimo, la campagna nazionale per la sicurezza stradale e contro le stragi del sabato sera, promuove un momento di riflessione su come programmare la sicurezza in Italia per i prossimi anni con associazioni, istituzioni e tutti i cittadini. L'incontro si terra' lunedi' 15 novembre alle ore 10.30 presso la Camera dei Deputati - Sala Colonne Palazzo Marini sul tema ''Sicurezza Stradale: 2010, obiettivo fallito - L'Europa non raggiunge l'obiettivo di dimezzare le vittime della strada. Cosa e' stato fatto e cosa we can still do in Italy?''. ( source)

not had a thesis to be discussed and finalized in about a month, I would travel to Rome to participate in this meeting. Finally something is moving ...

I had no doubt that Italy will fail the objectives set by the EU Charter, given the lack of attention that so far all governments have shown towards prevention policies in terms of road safety. Everyone is talking about standards, "repression" is changed every year with the road, sometimes for the worse, ma a che pro?  
A livello di amministrazioni locali molti pessimi sindaci ed assessori intendono la sicurezza stradale come un modo facile e veloce di "fare cassa" : pensiamo agli autovelox truccati, a quelli non segnalati o ad altre diavolerie poco legali. 

Tutto questo è sicurezza stradale? Neanche lontanamente.  Come non è sicurezza stradale parlare di tolleranza zero, pensare al proibizionismo (alcol assolutamente vietato), avere articoli "arbitrari" all'interno del CdS, considerare i giovani come principale causa degli incidenti stradali (su quali basi???), neglecting essential aspects such as maintenance of roads and artifacts related to them, not to prohibit the guardrail guillotine ... and I could go on for many more lines with this list.

But then, I ask you, what is the best we can to address policies relating to road safety?

The answer is very simple: everything must be based primarily education and prevention. The crackdown, though important, is only after: indeed, it does not make sense on its own but needs to be combined with prevention and with it must proceed because in some respects repression and prevention must go hand in hand: they complement each other.

The idea then is to begin to think road safety education projects aimed primarily at young . In these projects must be introduced an important concept: that of meritocracy . In short, we must think to reward those who behave well on the road, not only to punish those who behave badly exemplary.
This does not require large costs, but only a perfect synergy between the forces of ' order nazionali e locali, prefetture, amministrazioni comunali e provinciali, istituti scolastici, autoscuole, associazioni di volontariato e cittadini interessati al tema della sicurezza stradale. Questo è solo il primo passo, ma il più difficile in quanto queste idee innovative non vengono viste di buon occhio oppure vengono lasciate da parte per non si sa quali motivi... ne sa qualcosa il sottoscritto. ..

Il secondo passo, invece, dovrebbe consistere nella riscrittura completa del Codice della Strada tenendo sempre a mente queste due parole: "educazione" e "prevenzione" e stabilendo criteri di equità tra violazioni e sanzioni al CdS. 

Other articles about road safety: click here .

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Secure Leaning Mirror


Second consecutive draw for Novara yesterday evening did not go beyond the Piola 1-1 against Empoli. Blue Network on 13 'of the first half of Bertani. At 13 'the resumption of balance of Tuscany through the network of Lazzari. Novara again with 30 points behind leaders, but Atalanta and Reggina, who want to return in two big A, are only a -3.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hair Growth With Wearing Wigs

good positions for Taba CSAI Italian Formula Challenge Challenge

Domenica al kartodromo di Pinarella di Cervia un buon Sesto posto per TABA in categoria 6° Raggruppamento, la categoria più veloce per auto a due ruote motrici!

è stato un week end divertente, soprattutto senza rotture per i piloti della Rama racing, Taba infatti nelle ultime due edizioni aveva abbandonato prematuramente la gara per problemi alla trasmissione, problemi dunque risolti in questo circuito molto tecnico e dai tornanti strettissimi.

un buon 6° posto quindi, con davanti auto ben più potenti e dotate tutte di cambi sequenziali. ci si sarebbe potuti giocare il 4° posto ma nei 5 giri della finale la temperatura delle gomme si alzava troppo e il grip deteriorava tantissimo.

bene anche per Domenico Visani e Carburo che rimangono fuori dalla finale per pochi secondi, ma sembpre agguerritissimi anche loro!

Una gran gara anche per Gianlorenzo Moretti sulla 205 gti Gruppo N che si è dovuto sfidare con auto di categoria Gruppo A ed ha spiazzato tutti con un gran secondo posto!

avanti così allora, prossimo appuntamento il 28 novembre al kartodromo pompous of waiting for the free practice of the season 2011!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Does A Hymen Look Likewhat


Una mezz'ora fa ero su Facebook e dalla pagina " Informare è un dovere " ho appreso questo buffo aneddoto: se andate su Google Traduttore e scrivete "Non ho votato Berlusconi" e poi traducete in inglese, spagnolo o francese, avrete una bella sorpresa...

Provate a farlo sostituendo a "Berlusconi" un altro nome tipo "Bersani", "Di Pietro" o "Vendola"...e poi vedete qual'è invece la traduzione...

Sarà un bug? Oppure uno scherzo fatto ad hoc per pigliare per il culo gli italiani?

Can Puppies Be Overfed


Highlights di Ascoli-Novara, 13° giornata del campionato di Serie BWin. Partita decisa da due rigori nel giro di due minuti. Primo rigore per il Novara al 13' del secondo tempo, trasformato da Motta. Due minuti dopo il secondo penalty, questa volta a favore dell'Ascoli, trasformato da Lupoli. Il Novara resta la capolista ma il Siena si fa più vicino (-4). Ascoli immeritatamente ultima in classifica. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beating The Ankle Braclet

Vi rinfresco la memoria

Introducing a succession of thoughts of our beloved Prime Minister on Women, or rather, the beautiful girls ...
  • have always done so, and if it happens to me sometimes to face a pretty girl, better to be passionate about the beautiful girls gay . ( November 2, 2010)
  • In my house only good people come and behave well. I am a single host, I would say unique, joyful and full of life and love life the women. ( October 29, 2010 )
  • I'm not a saint, we hope they understand even those of the Republic. There are a lot of beautiful daughters and entrepreneurs. ( July 22, 2009 )
  • I'm accused of always surround belle ragazze   senza cervello. Ecco, invece qui delle   belle ragazze   che si sono laureate con il massimo dei voti e che non assomigliano certo a Rosy Bindi. ( 19 luglio 2010 )
  •   Portate qualche volta qualche anche qualche   bella ragazza . Noi l'apprezzeremmo perchè siamo latini. ( 12 luglio 2010 )
  •   Stamani in albergo volevo farmi una   ciulatina con una cameriera . Ma la ragazza   mi ha detto: "Presidente, ma se lo abbiamo fatto un'ora fa...". Vedete che scherzi che fa l'età? ( 4 luglio 2010 )
  •   Non vogliamo più morti albanesi nel canale di Otranto o flussi criminali verso l'Italia. Faremo un'eccezione per chi porta   beautiful girls. ( February 12, 2010 )
  • When I see beautiful women lose the thread ... Do you prefer that or those others? Marrazzo, for example? ( February 11, 2010 )
  • There are around a sea of \u200b\u200b beautiful daughters. I do not sono un santo, lo avete capito tutti, speriamo lo capiscano anche gli amici di Repubblica. ( 22 luglio 2009 )
  •   So che qualche birichino, fra voi, avrà pensato che ero occupato con le veline ... ( 15 maggio 2009 )
  •   Dovremmo avere tanti soldati quante sono le   belle ragazze   Italian, I do not think we would ever succeed. ( January 25, 2009 )
  • The Santanchè is a nice slap . ( April 7, 2008)
  • The women of the center are certainly more beautiful than the center. ( April 7, 2008)
  • Margaret Thatcher? If it was a beautiful pussy I remember. ( July 6, 2007).
Original title: do not stop anymore.

Silvio, insomma, l'abbiamo capito tutti che ti piace la figa! Basta tirartela adesso...è una cosa normalissima...e basta farci pigliare per i fondelli da tutto il mondo! Lo diciamo anche per te! Non vorrai mica fare la figura del "morto di figa"???

Toys Story 3rd Birthday Invitation Wording


Pare che il nuovo scandalo escort che coinvolge Berlusconi, abbia coinvolto anche il ministro Renato Brunetta ... I remain astounded by everything: how can you even remotely think that is gone with an escort Brunette?? This is really out of the grace of God!

Probably everyone has misunderstood . The truth is this: Brunetta, who is a fan of vintage cars, bought by Miss Nadia Macri a 80s Ford Escort at a price of 300 € ... The car in question is that of the image above.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Stopped Smoking Has Changed My Bowel Movements



's who voted the readers of Wind of Change:
Nichi Vendola 27 (38%)
Beppe Grillo 11 (15% )
Antonio Di Pietro 9 (12%)
A new name of civil society 8 (11%)
Pierluigi Bersani 4 (5%)
Rosy Bindi 3 (4%)
Chiamparino 2 (2%)
Luigi De Magistris 2 (2%)
Other 4 (5%)

Total Votes: 70



possible answer:
I do not know

readers are kindly asked not to vote using the comments but to use the appropriate space for the survey which located above the post, thanks.

How Long Should Someone Be On Risperidone

Happy Valley Pinarella di Cervia

last appointment for the Italian Championship CSAI the go-kart track for the race Pinarella Cervia on 07 November 2010.

Weather permenttendo we present Uno Turbo Proto with Taba on Max and the Renault 5 GT Turbo.

The event will also feature Toni Marchetti with the Ford Focus WRC Lancia Delta S4 and the Blue Team.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Can You Have Brazilian Was If Have Yeast Inf

Chi ha paura della Rete?

The post that follows is taken from blog by Mr Antonio Di Pietro . When I read, I could not share it as a network free, modern, fast and accessible to all is and will always one of the flagships of my political activity, especially that I'm going to do in the near future, just graduated, and then with much more time to devote to my fellow citizens for the time Casale and residents in the province of Verbano Cusio Ossola.

The 96.1 per cent of Italian families has at least one television in home. Internet, however, reaches only 47 percent. Another factor is these numbers that the satrap ours, and groped in vain to maintain consensus, not vorrebbe cambiare questo stato delle cose. Ho appena finito di leggere un libro sull’argomento che parte proprio da questa considerazione, “I nemici della rete” dei giornalisti-blogger Alessandro Giglioli e Arturo Di Corinto . Vi consiglio di leggerlo perchè è fondamentale capire l’importanza di quanti ogni giorno si informano in internet: se l’impero del Caimano è fondato sulle tv, l’aumento dell’informazione in rete segna inevitabilmente il suo declino.
Purtroppo questa è una percentuale ancora minoritaria nel nostro Paese, al contrario di quello che accade in quasi tutto il resto d'Europa.
E non certo perchè want, simply because we can not.
We can not because we have a situation of broadband really from third world country. And where are the finite bombastic promises of "three I" Berlusconi (English, Internet and Enterprise)? Or mysterious "Piano Romani , launched by the Minister of Economic Development, which aimed to invest to bring a good quality Internet connection at 96% of the Italian population? Words to the wind, never kept promises that he never had any intention of keeping.
The reason is simple: Berlusconi wants to keep control over a part of Italian citizens with methods and arrangements ditattoriale - to do - must be able to manipulate the information as wants. That the Italians can not afford to look for information on the Internet, the more you extend the use of the Net and he has less power to spread his lies about everything that his government can not do for the country. But the citizens do not remain with our hands and use the Internet to tell their own what is happening in Italy and much of the public TV does not want to show, not to mention the premier's personal TV. The real discovery - for people who want to read the book of Corinth and Giglioli - is that despite attempts to gag the Net, people are organizing , using social networking sites like Facebook to gather all the information that is not found elsewhere (an example is the page Inform to Resist ), or their blogs to spread censored by the television RAI (Rai for a night ), or to promote and organize mobilizations ( The Purple People ).
Sometimes you'll find that some opposition leaders do not like a free network. So in addition to the proposals of the parliamentary PDL Romans - who try to put the media under strict control of the Internet -, Lauro - the famous "law Tartaglia - and Alfano - the gag law that brought the web to mobilize and journalists for months - there are also initiatives Gianpiero D'Alia, 's UDC on the control and possible closure by the Government, the simple websites on alert for PM by any citizen or decree that "threatened" requiring bloggers to register to a special register. On the latter rule myself - during the last Prodi government - I threatened to resign as Minister until he was withdrawn. So
i nemici della Rete si annidano ovunque. Proprio per questo noi dell'Italia dei Valori non solo terremo un occhio vigile, ma ci faremo promotori – come abbiamo fatto in questi anni – di iniziative che consentano ai cittadini di continuare ad utilizzare il Web come strumento democratico (anche in politica) e ci opporremo sempre ai tentativi di censura o bavaglio. Uno dei prossimi obiettivi sarà quello di liberare le connessioni WiFi che in Italia sono ancora sottomesse all’obbligo di riconoscimento dell'identità per chi si voglia collegare alle reti senza fili. Su questo ho presentato un'interpellanza parlamentare (e l'IDV con l'On Massimo Donadi ha presentato una specific proposal for legislation to repeal this part of the Pisanu Law) and we are thinking of mobilization initiatives that enable our nation to return to civilization.
I know that Berlusconi for all this could be dangerous, one more reason to engage with ever greater force.