Naalbinding: I missed!
Abstract: this post has no relevance with lace needle. There was talk of needle lace and other passions? This is not a passion, I do not think it will ever say it is a curiosity in the territory (much enlarged) of needlework, here.
I'm interested in "things textile for many years, since I was a little girl and read the Rakam di mia mamma. Nel corso del tempo sono passate tante mode, qualcuna è tornata; pensavo di conoscere almeno per sentito dire, tutte le tecniche, anche le meno ovvie. So che esiste il tricotin, per esempio; il pizzo a forcella; so che c'è chi lavora a maglia con le dita, chi fa il chiacchierino con l'ago, e così via. Ma di questo naalbinding (inglese), naalbinden (tedesco) non avevo proprio mai sentito parlare. Mi sono imbattuta in questo post che mi ha incuriosita con questa foto:
Dalle immagini successive ho capito che si parlava di una tecnica a me sconosciuta, così sono andata a cercare informazioni su Wikipedia and from there I have ranged a little ', I also found videos on Youtube (this and several others) that explain how to perform this work.
Here you will find information on the history, instructions here, here various news and many links.
In essence it is an ancient technique which we have traces in Coptic tombs of Egypt, in textiles found in Paracas, Peru, dating back to a 'period between 400 BC and 200 AD, and Northern Europe , land of the Vikings. I found several books on the description of these items as knitting, in fact, it seems that the This technique was used naalbinding. It is still used by a Peruvian tribe, and was re-discovered in northern Europe. That there is a link between these cultures is a mystery to me. It worked, and it still works with wool rather large, in spiers 1-2 meters long, with large needles, wood (or bone?). E 'was also called "knitting with only one needle" but in reality is very different, why do not you take the stitches on the needle, perhaps more reminiscent of the hook.
I seem to have realized that working in a circle, spiral, so it is suitable for making socks, bags, hats, gloves. You can get a flat fabric, but you work in rounds of one-way, so you rompere il filo e ricominciare lavorando sempre da sinistra a destra. Pare fosse utilizzata proprio per questa caratteristica, in alternativa alla tessitura.
Alla fine di tutti questi giri virtuali potevo non fare una prova? Ecco l'ignobile risultato:
Qui mi fermo. Non ho voglia di provare a chiudere a cerchio e fare un secondo giro. Si vede che non diventerò un'esperta, vero?
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