Safety culture
Safety culture, unfortunately not an option installed in many cyclists. And that cyclists are among the most vulnerable road users, they should have an eye not only for more active safety, but also for the passive. My
This consideration arises from what I read two blog post The first relates to a cyclist fined be passed with the red light, the second is that the obligation to speak this week wear at night out of town and city in tunnels in a jacket or harness high visibility ( then approved to EN). Let's go step by step
The red light: go with the red, as well as breaches of the rules of the road you know very well to do and why you should be fined if you get to the good manners to shut up (otherwise come down to the level of many motorists who get caught red-handed for exceeding the speed limit by attaching itself to make use loopholes to avoid paying. ..), especially in the city is extremely dangerous. Often the visibility at intersections is less than optimal, and no one can guarantee beyond a reasonable doubt that someone will come from the side street at full speed because it has the right green. Therefore, any complaint to be fined only has the flavor of the classic whining Italiot of what used to caring about laws and even common sense. The jacket
high visibility: as for me I can only agree. For years when I buy clothes so I bike to choose colors that you notice at a distance, such a beautiful bright yellow and showy, even if you use it then only during the day. Why be seen in advance is essential, as too often motorists and truck drivers tend to ignore those who are smaller than their means (motorbikes, scooters and bicycles).
How many times in the course of complaints made to undisciplined drivers I have heard say "I saw you not? Too many.
let alone at night.
One final thought: who in this blog stated positions "anti" often coincides with the one turning in a city with so-called "fixed." Or bicycle, in practice, track bike with fixed gear and no brakes. So
means completely irregular for normal traffic on the road. Already are racing bikes and mountain bikes, which are shipped as they are having no headlights, fenders and often reflective. Imagine a setting that did not fail the brakes ... and very often just the "set" are those that do not strafregano the most basic traffic rules, even before written in the code instead of the road suggested by common sense and intelligence.
Why behave like the worst drivers, especially considering the fact that in the event of an accident is the cyclist to have the worst?
's so hard to think first and foremost to its security? Or his desire to impose itself on others, to own the roads at all costs, must prevail in every way?
instead of idiotic maneuvers, let's just see with our visible presence in order to enhance our security.
And we also use this blessed helmet ...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Writing Letter Of New Doctor
A pendant lace lace
Non sono portata per lavori lunghi, mi annoio, li trascino, faccio fatica a finirli. e quando li finisco, spesso ho perso di vista la ragione per cui li avevo iniziati e non so più cosa farne. Oppure non mi piacciono più tanto. Insomma, sono per lavori brevi in tempi brevi (Not always as they are also a lot slower).
And I'm not even creative, often prefer to copy something that I like and I know how it will be done once rather than create something that then can become a mess.
Except with lace needle. Maybe because I do not know "how you should do" and m'invento every time the technique, and at that point so much so that even m'inventi drawing, so I do not hold a candle to the model did well, however with lace I become more creative. Always work with children, though!
And so, when the chaos of my brain, two neurons meet (it happens quite rarely), sometimes I have an idea that I can realize.
E 'success so for this pendant.
I made with silk Lighthouse, which I bought on a stand, it is nice to work a bit 'bigger than the real silk, which I prefer. I applied to make it hard on the edges which I then passed back to stitch a wire to those used for jewelry (0.4 mm).
At the end of all the work I remembered that the wording of "Lace," the journal-newsletter of the English Laceguild trying new models, so I sent the photo, design, and explanations.
When I received the April issue did not believe ai miei occhi: l'avevano pubblicato! Per ringraziarmi mi hanno anche inviato un mini-uncinetto personalizzato, che vedete in questa immagine.
Mi pare di aver capito che sono contenti di ricevere materiale da Paesi stranieri, se qualcuna vuole inviare qualcosa (anche a tombolo o chiacchierino) credo che abbia molte possibilità di vederlo pubbicato.
Non sono portata per lavori lunghi, mi annoio, li trascino, faccio fatica a finirli. e quando li finisco, spesso ho perso di vista la ragione per cui li avevo iniziati e non so più cosa farne. Oppure non mi piacciono più tanto. Insomma, sono per lavori brevi in tempi brevi (Not always as they are also a lot slower).
And I'm not even creative, often prefer to copy something that I like and I know how it will be done once rather than create something that then can become a mess.
Except with lace needle. Maybe because I do not know "how you should do" and m'invento every time the technique, and at that point so much so that even m'inventi drawing, so I do not hold a candle to the model did well, however with lace I become more creative. Always work with children, though!
And so, when the chaos of my brain, two neurons meet (it happens quite rarely), sometimes I have an idea that I can realize.
E 'success so for this pendant.
I made with silk Lighthouse, which I bought on a stand, it is nice to work a bit 'bigger than the real silk, which I prefer. I applied to make it hard on the edges which I then passed back to stitch a wire to those used for jewelry (0.4 mm).
At the end of all the work I remembered that the wording of "Lace," the journal-newsletter of the English Laceguild trying new models, so I sent the photo, design, and explanations.
When I received the April issue did not believe ai miei occhi: l'avevano pubblicato! Per ringraziarmi mi hanno anche inviato un mini-uncinetto personalizzato, che vedete in questa immagine.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Warthog Knife Sharpener
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
How Makes Katydids Candy
good performance recorded by Max at Taba and other type of races we were involved in Sunday, 19/09 rignano sull'arno CSAI for the race in Tuscany.
Taba and Max set off in the final respectively in 1st and 2nd position, with the two best time of day, posted only 43 thousandths of a second!
The final was a bit "distorted" by uncertainties stopwatch to Taba, which has lost two positions with two competitors significantly slower than in qualifying, was also very unfortunate that Max has turned the race into the first corner compromised beyond repair.
A very positive result, however, that rewards the efforts we make to get more al meglio alle gare.
Molto buona la prova anche per Carburo 52 che termina la gara al 7° posto (in finale partito 5°).
Peccato per Lele su Fiat Panda che si deve rititrare all'ultimo giro della finale per un cedimento della sospensione destra della sua auto che lo fa uscire di pista sbattendo su un marciapiede.
Prossima gara il 03 Ottobre nella pista cittadina di osimo per il campionato italiano csai
A presto!
good performance recorded by Max at Taba and other type of races we were involved in Sunday, 19/09 rignano sull'arno CSAI for the race in Tuscany.
Taba and Max set off in the final respectively in 1st and 2nd position, with the two best time of day, posted only 43 thousandths of a second!
The final was a bit "distorted" by uncertainties stopwatch to Taba, which has lost two positions with two competitors significantly slower than in qualifying, was also very unfortunate that Max has turned the race into the first corner compromised beyond repair.
A very positive result, however, that rewards the efforts we make to get more al meglio alle gare.
Molto buona la prova anche per Carburo 52 che termina la gara al 7° posto (in finale partito 5°).
Peccato per Lele su Fiat Panda che si deve rititrare all'ultimo giro della finale per un cedimento della sospensione destra della sua auto che lo fa uscire di pista sbattendo su un marciapiede.
Prossima gara il 03 Ottobre nella pista cittadina di osimo per il campionato italiano csai
A presto!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Pamela Anderson Boobs Costume
Exhibition at Palazzo Madama (Turin)
Torino è una bella città, d'estate però è calda, d'inverno può essere fredda, ma in autunno e primavera girare nelle strade del centro, molte delle quali pedonali, è un vero piacere.
Quest'autunno varrebbe una visita, anche perchè a Palazzo Madama, sede del Museo di Arte Antica e sede del primo Governo nazionale, è stato rifatto l'allestimento della Sala dei Tessuti, che si trova all'ultimo piano, e ora ospita, fino al 31 dicembre, solamente merletti.
E' stata infatti allestita la mostra "Merletti, la poesia del nodo" composta di 95 pezzi, solo una minima parte della collezione in possesso al Museo e non accessibile al pubblico, con nuove didascalie che ne illustrano la provenienza, l'epoca e il tipo di lavorazione.
Io l'ho view in June, shortly after the opening, I found it interesting and I think I'll be back to see her, but unfortunately not all the pieces are visible up close (except that it is waaay taller than me) so it is not can appreciate the details, also consider the lighting, in order not to damage the textile, it is never optimal. Crdo that next time I'll bring a magnifying glass to see better at least the pieces to my height. "
The collection is home to the bobbin and needle lace, several pieces of industrial sales, some filet, one in particular struck me, very large, embroidered with various points, a bit 'as used in Sardinia.
It 's a interesting show, a big step ahead on the previous, even though, as breadth and usability has nothing to do with the beautiful Sala dei Merletti Davanzati Palace in Florence, which remains for me the place better see where the laces of all kinds. If I could I would go every day, considering that the entrance is very cheap (2 Euro, beyond belief!).
Back in Turin and the Senate, in my opinion is worth a visit, whereas with the ticket you can visit all the museum of Antiquities, which was opened a few years and, just as the setting is molto affascinante. C'è anche una caffetteria elegante con bel panorama, e un bookshop dove è in vendita un libro di piccolo formato che illustra la collezione tessile del museo. L'orario è dalle 10 alle 18, domenica fino alle 20, lunedì chiuso; il martedì l'ingresso è gratuito.
Proprio in questi giorni al Museo della Fondazione Accorsi , a poche centinaia di metri da Palazzo Madama,è stata inaugurata una nuova mostra , che io non ho ancora visto. Si chiama Oro e Seta, ospita alcuni dei costumi più belli delle Opere del Teatro Regio e alcuni costumi del celebre Tamagno content. All visits to Palazzo Accorsi (Museum of Applied Art, nice to see regardless of the current exhibition) are driven by friendly volunteers on Sunday morning, on the occasion of this exhibition, the visit will be accompanied by passages from books that the costumes are on display. Since
are launched on tourist information in Turin, I would still report the Cinema Museum, which is the Mole, very beautiful to visit for everyone, even those who are not movie fans.
two weeks also, in Turin (Lingotto at this time, not in the center) will be manually , proud of creativity. In recent There were many exhibitors editions of beads, jewelry, felt, scrapbooking and paper things. Not worth a long trip, but if you go around here you might as well take advantage.
Currently my service as tourist information and done, however, are available for further clarification.
Torino è una bella città, d'estate però è calda, d'inverno può essere fredda, ma in autunno e primavera girare nelle strade del centro, molte delle quali pedonali, è un vero piacere.
Quest'autunno varrebbe una visita, anche perchè a Palazzo Madama, sede del Museo di Arte Antica e sede del primo Governo nazionale, è stato rifatto l'allestimento della Sala dei Tessuti, che si trova all'ultimo piano, e ora ospita, fino al 31 dicembre, solamente merletti.
E' stata infatti allestita la mostra "Merletti, la poesia del nodo" composta di 95 pezzi, solo una minima parte della collezione in possesso al Museo e non accessibile al pubblico, con nuove didascalie che ne illustrano la provenienza, l'epoca e il tipo di lavorazione.
Io l'ho view in June, shortly after the opening, I found it interesting and I think I'll be back to see her, but unfortunately not all the pieces are visible up close (except that it is waaay taller than me) so it is not can appreciate the details, also consider the lighting, in order not to damage the textile, it is never optimal. Crdo that next time I'll bring a magnifying glass to see better at least the pieces to my height. "
The collection is home to the bobbin and needle lace, several pieces of industrial sales, some filet, one in particular struck me, very large, embroidered with various points, a bit 'as used in Sardinia.
It 's a interesting show, a big step ahead on the previous, even though, as breadth and usability has nothing to do with the beautiful Sala dei Merletti Davanzati Palace in Florence, which remains for me the place better see where the laces of all kinds. If I could I would go every day, considering that the entrance is very cheap (2 Euro, beyond belief!).
Back in Turin and the Senate, in my opinion is worth a visit, whereas with the ticket you can visit all the museum of Antiquities, which was opened a few years and, just as the setting is molto affascinante. C'è anche una caffetteria elegante con bel panorama, e un bookshop dove è in vendita un libro di piccolo formato che illustra la collezione tessile del museo. L'orario è dalle 10 alle 18, domenica fino alle 20, lunedì chiuso; il martedì l'ingresso è gratuito.
Proprio in questi giorni al Museo della Fondazione Accorsi , a poche centinaia di metri da Palazzo Madama,è stata inaugurata una nuova mostra , che io non ho ancora visto. Si chiama Oro e Seta, ospita alcuni dei costumi più belli delle Opere del Teatro Regio e alcuni costumi del celebre Tamagno content. All visits to Palazzo Accorsi (Museum of Applied Art, nice to see regardless of the current exhibition) are driven by friendly volunteers on Sunday morning, on the occasion of this exhibition, the visit will be accompanied by passages from books that the costumes are on display. Since
are launched on tourist information in Turin, I would still report the Cinema Museum, which is the Mole, very beautiful to visit for everyone, even those who are not movie fans.
two weeks also, in Turin (Lingotto at this time, not in the center) will be manually , proud of creativity. In recent There were many exhibitors editions of beads, jewelry, felt, scrapbooking and paper things. Not worth a long trip, but if you go around here you might as well take advantage.
Currently my service as tourist information and done, however, are available for further clarification.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Can You Get Phd After Executive Mba
September 19 we will be at RIGNANO SULL'ARNO

Per i problemi sotto elencati della gara del Montefiorino abbiamo deciso di partecipare alla gara csai organizzata dalla sadurano Motorsport a Rignano Sull'Arno, valid for the trophy Maxi Car. We will then
with all 4 cars, the weather forecast is very bad and then DSI provides a race in the rain.
with all 4 cars, the weather forecast is very bad and then DSI provides a race in the rain.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Brazillan Lazer Images
Naalbinding: I missed!
Abstract: this post has no relevance with lace needle. There was talk of needle lace and other passions? This is not a passion, I do not think it will ever say it is a curiosity in the territory (much enlarged) of needlework, here.
I'm interested in "things textile for many years, since I was a little girl and read the Rakam di mia mamma. Nel corso del tempo sono passate tante mode, qualcuna è tornata; pensavo di conoscere almeno per sentito dire, tutte le tecniche, anche le meno ovvie. So che esiste il tricotin, per esempio; il pizzo a forcella; so che c'è chi lavora a maglia con le dita, chi fa il chiacchierino con l'ago, e così via. Ma di questo naalbinding (inglese), naalbinden (tedesco) non avevo proprio mai sentito parlare. Mi sono imbattuta in questo post che mi ha incuriosita con questa foto:
Dalle immagini successive ho capito che si parlava di una tecnica a me sconosciuta, così sono andata a cercare informazioni su Wikipedia and from there I have ranged a little ', I also found videos on Youtube (this and several others) that explain how to perform this work.
Here you will find information on the history, instructions here, here various news and many links.
In essence it is an ancient technique which we have traces in Coptic tombs of Egypt, in textiles found in Paracas, Peru, dating back to a 'period between 400 BC and 200 AD, and Northern Europe , land of the Vikings. I found several books on the description of these items as knitting, in fact, it seems that the This technique was used naalbinding. It is still used by a Peruvian tribe, and was re-discovered in northern Europe. That there is a link between these cultures is a mystery to me. It worked, and it still works with wool rather large, in spiers 1-2 meters long, with large needles, wood (or bone?). E 'was also called "knitting with only one needle" but in reality is very different, why do not you take the stitches on the needle, perhaps more reminiscent of the hook.
I seem to have realized that working in a circle, spiral, so it is suitable for making socks, bags, hats, gloves. You can get a flat fabric, but you work in rounds of one-way, so you rompere il filo e ricominciare lavorando sempre da sinistra a destra. Pare fosse utilizzata proprio per questa caratteristica, in alternativa alla tessitura.
Alla fine di tutti questi giri virtuali potevo non fare una prova? Ecco l'ignobile risultato:
Qui mi fermo. Non ho voglia di provare a chiudere a cerchio e fare un secondo giro. Si vede che non diventerò un'esperta, vero?
Abstract: this post has no relevance with lace needle. There was talk of needle lace and other passions? This is not a passion, I do not think it will ever say it is a curiosity in the territory (much enlarged) of needlework, here.
I'm interested in "things textile for many years, since I was a little girl and read the Rakam di mia mamma. Nel corso del tempo sono passate tante mode, qualcuna è tornata; pensavo di conoscere almeno per sentito dire, tutte le tecniche, anche le meno ovvie. So che esiste il tricotin, per esempio; il pizzo a forcella; so che c'è chi lavora a maglia con le dita, chi fa il chiacchierino con l'ago, e così via. Ma di questo naalbinding (inglese), naalbinden (tedesco) non avevo proprio mai sentito parlare. Mi sono imbattuta in questo post che mi ha incuriosita con questa foto:
Dalle immagini successive ho capito che si parlava di una tecnica a me sconosciuta, così sono andata a cercare informazioni su Wikipedia and from there I have ranged a little ', I also found videos on Youtube (this and several others) that explain how to perform this work.
Here you will find information on the history, instructions here, here various news and many links.
In essence it is an ancient technique which we have traces in Coptic tombs of Egypt, in textiles found in Paracas, Peru, dating back to a 'period between 400 BC and 200 AD, and Northern Europe , land of the Vikings. I found several books on the description of these items as knitting, in fact, it seems that the This technique was used naalbinding. It is still used by a Peruvian tribe, and was re-discovered in northern Europe. That there is a link between these cultures is a mystery to me. It worked, and it still works with wool rather large, in spiers 1-2 meters long, with large needles, wood (or bone?). E 'was also called "knitting with only one needle" but in reality is very different, why do not you take the stitches on the needle, perhaps more reminiscent of the hook.
I seem to have realized that working in a circle, spiral, so it is suitable for making socks, bags, hats, gloves. You can get a flat fabric, but you work in rounds of one-way, so you rompere il filo e ricominciare lavorando sempre da sinistra a destra. Pare fosse utilizzata proprio per questa caratteristica, in alternativa alla tessitura.
Alla fine di tutti questi giri virtuali potevo non fare una prova? Ecco l'ignobile risultato:
Qui mi fermo. Non ho voglia di provare a chiudere a cerchio e fare un secondo giro. Si vede che non diventerò un'esperta, vero?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How To Make Fleece Tie Scarves
And my blue shirt?
Anch'io ho una maglia (blu) che andrebbe chiusa con un qualcosa, era inevitabile fare un bottone-spilla anche per lei.
Ecco il risultato.
The shirt is much more blue in the picture, as well as the button is significantly bluer. Now enough with the production of buttons, at least for a while '.
Anch'io ho una maglia (blu) che andrebbe chiusa con un qualcosa, era inevitabile fare un bottone-spilla anche per lei.
Ecco il risultato.
The shirt is much more blue in the picture, as well as the button is significantly bluer. Now enough with the production of buttons, at least for a while '.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Itchy Scalp - No Dandruff
And then?
talk about it a bit 'of history?
Here we came to the seventeenth century, the fashion called for richer fabrics and lace, lavish and expensive, in Venice, as well as the Gros Point, or Point-cut foliage, was produced Rosaline, delicate, with many small flowers and the point of Venice, with designs reminiscent of the corals.
The Venetian lace were appreciated and paid very well across Europe, they began to imitate them, in some regions of France, unable to reproduce the elegance.
In 1665, Colbert, (in fact the son of a cloth merchant of Lyon), then Prime Minister of Louis XIV, he realized that the importation of textiles and lace was an intolerable burden for the French economy, for which passed a law prohibiting the purchase of those goods abroad. This did not mean that the ornaments were to be banned from clothes and houses, just those employees were to be manufactured in France.
To improve the quality of French needle lace called (and paid handsomely) thirty Venetian lace makers, who did reside mainly in the town of Alençon and Argentan, where they were to teach their art to the native lace. He entrusted the artistic direction of these menifatture to famous designers, who provided the model is particularly elegant, and began the flourishing industry of French needle lace.
Venice had lost its monopoly of this thriving industry. We tried to limit the damage by issuing laws prohibiting foreign travel of lace, with severe punishments, which also affects the families. They even tried to refine the production resulting in beautiful pieces of Rosaline, then they tried to align with the French production : enrichment funds, at first simply increasing la densità delle barrette
poi iniziando a fare delle barrette con disposizione geometrica, come si vedeva nei merletti di Argentan
A Burano si iniziò a produrre un merletto con un fondo completamente a rete, quello che ancora oggi conosciamo come merletto di Burano, che era simile a quello di Alençon, senza eguagliarne l'eleganza per quel che riguarda i disegni.
Questi nuovi merletti avevano in comune la leggerezza, e la facilità di manipolazione. La moda intanto era cambiata, aveva nuove esigenze, gli abiti erano ricchi di fiocchi e gale, che non potevano essere fatti con gli antichi pizzi rigidi come sculture, per questo i nuovi merletti erano l'ideale.
Ma le leggi di Colbert non colpirono solo i merletti. Furono vietate anche le importazioni di ricche stoffe orientali, i Damaschi, e quelle stampate che arrivavano dall'India (le indiennes, appunto). Per ovviare a queste restrizioni, nel Sud della Francia si iniziò proprio allora a produrre il famoso Boutis, in sostituzione delle indiennes, mentre i damaschi furono sostituiti con il ricamo Colbert, che prese il nome proprio dal famoso ministro.
talk about it a bit 'of history?
Here we came to the seventeenth century, the fashion called for richer fabrics and lace, lavish and expensive, in Venice, as well as the Gros Point, or Point-cut foliage, was produced Rosaline, delicate, with many small flowers and the point of Venice, with designs reminiscent of the corals.
The Venetian lace were appreciated and paid very well across Europe, they began to imitate them, in some regions of France, unable to reproduce the elegance.
In 1665, Colbert, (in fact the son of a cloth merchant of Lyon), then Prime Minister of Louis XIV, he realized that the importation of textiles and lace was an intolerable burden for the French economy, for which passed a law prohibiting the purchase of those goods abroad. This did not mean that the ornaments were to be banned from clothes and houses, just those employees were to be manufactured in France.
To improve the quality of French needle lace called (and paid handsomely) thirty Venetian lace makers, who did reside mainly in the town of Alençon and Argentan, where they were to teach their art to the native lace. He entrusted the artistic direction of these menifatture to famous designers, who provided the model is particularly elegant, and began the flourishing industry of French needle lace.
Venice had lost its monopoly of this thriving industry. We tried to limit the damage by issuing laws prohibiting foreign travel of lace, with severe punishments, which also affects the families. They even tried to refine the production resulting in beautiful pieces of Rosaline, then they tried to align with the French production : enrichment funds, at first simply increasing la densità delle barrette
poi iniziando a fare delle barrette con disposizione geometrica, come si vedeva nei merletti di Argentan
A Burano si iniziò a produrre un merletto con un fondo completamente a rete, quello che ancora oggi conosciamo come merletto di Burano, che era simile a quello di Alençon, senza eguagliarne l'eleganza per quel che riguarda i disegni.
Questi nuovi merletti avevano in comune la leggerezza, e la facilità di manipolazione. La moda intanto era cambiata, aveva nuove esigenze, gli abiti erano ricchi di fiocchi e gale, che non potevano essere fatti con gli antichi pizzi rigidi come sculture, per questo i nuovi merletti erano l'ideale.
Ma le leggi di Colbert non colpirono solo i merletti. Furono vietate anche le importazioni di ricche stoffe orientali, i Damaschi, e quelle stampate che arrivavano dall'India (le indiennes, appunto). Per ovviare a queste restrizioni, nel Sud della Francia si iniziò proprio allora a produrre il famoso Boutis, in sostituzione delle indiennes, mentre i damaschi furono sostituiti con il ricamo Colbert, che prese il nome proprio dal famoso ministro.
![]() |
Needlebook ricamato a Colbert |
Welcome To Our Medical Practice Sample Letter
September 19 - Slalom Montefiorino CSAI CANCELLED
On September 19, 2010 we will be engaged in difficult and rather spectacular 4th of Salom Montefiorino in Modena.
competition at Taba on One Turbo Proto, LELE Panda Proto, Proto CARBIDE on 205 GTI, Renault 5 GT Turbo MAX Proto and Gianlorenzo Peugeot 205 GTI Gr.N.
We have 4 drivers in the S7 category (prototypes over 2000cc) sbattagliare to the other fast drivers category.
Last year was a great result for Taba which won 3rd place in class and 4th overall!
We are waiting all the Montefiorino September 19!
Here's a video camera car in Taba at the last edition of 2009

On September 19, 2010 we will be engaged in difficult and rather spectacular 4th of Salom Montefiorino in Modena.
competition at Taba on One Turbo Proto, LELE Panda Proto, Proto CARBIDE on 205 GTI, Renault 5 GT Turbo MAX Proto and Gianlorenzo Peugeot 205 GTI Gr.N.
We have 4 drivers in the S7 category (prototypes over 2000cc) sbattagliare to the other fast drivers category.
Last year was a great result for Taba which won 3rd place in class and 4th overall!
We are waiting all the Montefiorino September 19!
Here's a video camera car in Taba at the last edition of 2009
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