Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Tutorial: Dorset Buttons (buttons embroidered)

Here is my new creation, in fact, scopiazzatura, as I have done following this tutorial.

will lace my bag, finally a place to keep my work in progress, with threads, needles, scissors. The size of the little bag you can see that for now I will not venture into big projects.
The button you see? E 'come a little' unbalanced? Yes But it's cute, right?

This is a Dorset Button. I would say that I have the mania of the buttons, I close with this model and move on.
The manufacture of these buttons has a unique history. Nel 1600 a Shaftesbury, nel Dorset, Abraham Case iniziò a cosruire dei bottoni imitando quelli che aveva visto durante il servizio militare, nel continente. Erano costituiti da un pezzo di corno ricoperto di stoffa e ricamato. Successivamente ne fu prodotta una versone più morbida, chiamata Bird's Eyes e una versione costituita da un anello ricoperto di stoffa, prodotta dalla famiglia Singleton, da cui prende il nome. Nel '700 si iniziò a produrre la versione più famosa ed elaborata, quella che ho usato per il mio lavoro, i Dorset Crosswheel. Questa attività fu per molti anni importante, tanto da costituire un mezzo di sostentamento per molte famiglie. Scomprave verso la metà dell''800, quando iniziò la produzione Industrial buttons.

How it works? It 's simple.
need: curtain ring (I used a plastic ring about 2 cm in diameter, but I think it would be a better metal, because more subtle)
Embroidery thread, in this case Retors d'Alsace n ° 8
It covers the ring stitch, with the rib on the outside.

At the end of the tour joins the last point with the first and hide the wire under the points.

Then you turn the cstina the stitch to the inside of the ring (this operazone missing the photo, but it seems rather intuituva.
You start to tighten the spokes. It 'easy to pull on a uniform if you imagine the circle as if it were a clock face. It keeps the thread on the back of the ring, goes to the front at 12, returns to the back tend inter 12 and 6, re-emerges from behind the front 1 is ritorrna back to 7 and so on. My ring has only 10 rays because it was too small. Finally he fixed it all with a vertical and a horizontal run exactly in the center (and here I think I've missed a bit ').

It begins with the texture of the center points out, in a spiral. After a few laps you can make points of decoration. I made a simple chain stitch, but if you go to see in the link found at bottom of the fills are beautiful. Here is the finished button


Now it remains to fix the rear. You can do this in two ways. You can make a stalk tied with wire to stop, you can make a small bar in buttonhole stitch, which will be used to attach the fabric, as I did:

Or you can set a ring jewelry in the early stages of weaving.
Et voila!

Biblio-webgrafia: On this site you can buy a little book that I really like, I found there the history of these buttons as well as explanations are very detailed and comprehensive, although concise. Tutorial much better than mine, useful for photos, even for those who do not read English. Ideas to make buttons with colorful wool, very nice. : Dorset Buttons page dedicated to the Company's site English of the buttons (yes!) another beautiful tutorial


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