Si può imparare a fare il merletto ad ago senza frequentare una scuola? Secondo me una scuola è molto utile perchè permette di apprendere rapidamente la tecnica, comprensiva di tutti i "segreti del mestiere". Permette anche di fare molto esercizio, cosa indispensabile per raffinare la "mano".
Purtroppo le scuole non sono molte, richiedono la frequenza e impegno costante, quindi non sono accessibili a tutte.
Così si cerca di arrangiarsi con libri, Internet, workshop. Io I did so, one can see from my work, primarily because they are very far from technical perfection, and also because it mixes points belonging to different schools and traditions.
I started trying to do the following book Aemilia Ars Virginia factory. It 'was quite hard, that just did not understand was how to make picots. After a while,' I gave up. When I returned to work after a few months, they did so discreetly, you see I have matured in my brain.
This is one of my first attempts. As you can see before you learn to make picots!
In 2005 Bellaria, Italiainvita I followed a workshop held by Cristina Brunello Venetian lace, lasted just seems to me a total of two full days, but did wonders, I was finally able to understand those things that I missed, for example, that when you arrive the end of the work area must fix the boundary with a lace overlock. It seems trivial, but the books often leave out palliate part, and I was not sure how to proceed. At home I was able to complete the work, which was to be a pin, and that I have mounted a "bouquet". 'The work I'm most proud that, despite all its imperfections, is closer the real Venice lace.
As you can see, I learned to make picots, although in this case are called pico and are made more easy for those of Aemilia ars.
Also in that time I bought a kit Aemilia ars Association Antonilli Cantelli (I've seen in person in the room dedicated to her, with lace unforgettable!).
Back home, I tried to do the kit, I also changed the design, turning it into a rectangle (with the laces do not know why I feel empowered to make changes of any kind, I would not ever do it with a set of embroidery).
In 2008 ho seguito a Sansepolcro il workshop di Aemila Ars dell'Associazione Antonilla Cantelli, dove ho conosciuto la maestra Lella che con moltissimo impegno ha cercato in tutti i modi di raffinare il mio lavoro che aveva l'aspetto molto "rustico". Una bella esperienza: Sansepolcro è una bellissima cittadina e in quei giorni abbiamo potuto ammirare anche la Mostra Internazionale di Merletto.
Monumento alla merlettaia (a fuselli!) |
A questo punto sono entrata a far parte del Lella fan club e non mi sono persa il workshop del 2009 della stessa Associazione a Italiainvita. Il proposed work was quite long and difficult (for my abilities, of course), but I wanted at all costs try to finish it, its good to learn the latest steps in the workshop, unfortunately, be neglected for time reasons. I worked in the evening, in a hotel with a very bad light and his eyes were closed by sleep, in fact we see the results on the leaf in the photo is vertical.
The scissor fob is decorated with a flower design made on the workshop of Sansepolcro |
Since then I have bought many books, almost all British, are for a few AbeBooks pounds on, and tried to figure out how to work in other countries, with more points and techniques and also with a very different mentality.
I'm sure that if I attended school I acquired a security on the technique that I have, and I'm certainly less time to think and rethink how best to tackle the job. All in all, however, this method of learning I Like why, despite its limitations, it also allows a great freedom in choice of style (?), subject, yarns and colors.
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