Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can You Snowboard Wiht A Hip Replacement

Tutorial: technique of needle lace third party: the point.

Nel post precedente avevamo visto come eseguire il tracciato di base, sul quale si costruisce il merletto.
Ora non ci resta che cominciare.
La prima cosa da decidere in che verso si vuole lavorare, se da sinistra a destra (come si esegue il punto festone nel ricamo) o da destra a sinistra. All'inizio, per abitudine, ero propensa a farlo da sinistra a destra, ma quando ho provato a lavorare nel verso contrario (al corso di merletto veneziano di Rimini) mi sono resa conto che viene molto più naturale. Lavorando da destra a sinistra, con la mano sinistra si può sistemare il filo-guida, se si usa , e si regola anche meglio la tensione del punto.
Ogni tipo di merletto ha le sue consuetudini; nell'aemilia ars si lavora da sinistra a destra, nel merletto veneziano da destra a sinistra; le francesi lavorano da sinistra a destra ma con l'ago che punta verso l'esterno, non verso di sè (posizione scomodissima, che equivale come effetto a lavorare da destra a sinistra), le inglesi preferiscono lavorare da sinistra a destra.  Il risultato finale non è molto diverso, ma alcuni punti sono molto più agevoli se eseguiti nel verso giusto.

Nei miei esempi lavorerò da destra a sinistra.
Si ferma il filo in alto a sinistra:

Si fissa lungo la parte superiore del lavoro fino all'angolo, poi si scende con un avvolgimento nella parte verticale del contorno:

Una volta fissato il filo, si porta verso destra e si fissa al contorno verticale di destra, in modo che resti teso. Questo sarà il filo d'imbottitura del primo giro di punto festone.

Si fissa meglio il filo arrotolandolo ancora una volta lungo il contorno, così si scende un pochino, all'altezza in cui si vuole trovare la costina del primo giro di punto festone.

Questo è il modo in cui si tiene il lavoro in mano. Per lavori the largest is very convenient to use a pillow-pillow to lean on, so you also have your left hand free.

It begins to take the first stitch, slipping the needle under the outline under the wire and padding over the wire that works. It 's harder to explain than to do.

You pull the thread slowly, so as to create a stitch is not too tight.

We proceed similarly with the second point

E per tutta la riga.

I punti devono essere accostati, senza spazi tra l'uno e l'altro, ma non stretti, nel giro successivo bisognerà puntare nella costina tra un punto e l'altro, se è troppo stretta diventa difficile e si deforma il lavoro.

Non è facilissimo distanziare in modo regolare i punti della prima riga perchè il filo di contorno è interrotto dai punti di imbastitura che lo fissano. E' importante, in questa fase, riuscire a mentenere costante la grandezza della costina; è questo che conferirà regolarità ai punti nelle righe successive.

Una Once you reach the end, it wraps back to the wire twice around the wire boundary

and the wire tends to the right cushioning

It wraps around the edge a second time

And it starts with the running stitch pointing in the horizontal rib of the points of the previous line

It continues in this modo fino a riempire tutto lo spazio.

Questo è il punto di base più semplice e facile da eseguire, di solito si combina con varianti traforate che vedremo prossimamente.

QUI  si può scaricare la versione PDF di questo post

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Heather Deepthroat 2010


Berlusconi did not lose the habit of calling in live television broadcasts when it comes to him and his events (in this case, sexual) and inveigh heavily against the conductors. An aggressive, nervous and arrogant that denotes a sense of insecurity on the part of Prime Minister .

Some, however, might say that this is legittima difesa. Si parlava male di lui e giustamente lui è intervenuto per difendersi. Potrebbe, si, arrampicandosi molto sui vetri. Ma c'è modo e modo. In questo caso, invece che attaccare, poteva smentire educatamente, dicendo: "Respingo le infamanti accuse mosse contro di me dai giudici politicizzati della sinistra etc...". Berlu, però, ha scelto l'attacco, la violenza verbale e su questo si può aprire anche una discussione introducendo elementi di analisi comportamentale . 

Solitamente chi utilizza la violenza verbale, il turpiloquio e attacca con veemenza (anche in maniera palesemente diffamatoria  e strumentale), sta dalla parte del torto . Questo l'ho provato più e più volte sulla mia pelle: chi mi ha attaccato con veemenza e violenza (verbale) aveva sempre torto. Ciò porta a pensare che attacchi di questo tipo siano mossi prevalentemente da persone che sanno come stanno e devono trovare ogni mezzo per "difendersi" e mettere a tacere le voci che le riguardano. 

Se Silvio pensa e sa di essere dalla parte della ragione (di non aver mai fatto sesso con minorenni ma aver solo fatto delle cene private a casa sua dove  libero to do what you want), has only a couple of things to do: take a step back and resign and go to the judges to prove his innocence. It should also ignore what is said about him on TV and in newspapers. If bales are then it can also give a damn, the truth always comes to the surface, then heat up so much and why call live at Gad Lerner to insult him?

The scandal is just in this attack, not in the program that Lerner is a very good journalist ...

Below is a video of the live call The Infidel to Monday, 24 January 2011 and the response of Enrico Mentana, director of TG La7:

Monday, January 24, 2011

What Does Red Liecense Plate Mean In Ontario

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A friend sells two gems, very accurate!

If you are interested read this announcement: CLICK HERE.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Peepshow Casa Amsterdam


The events in recent days have involved the president Berlusconi know them all, due to overexposure to the media we have been experiencing. After days and days on which sex stories of an old 75 year old have obscured the real problems of the country, we have a little 'broken cock, do not you?

However, beyond these considerations, this I want to propose today is a minor, a 16 year old girl who uploaded to YouTube a video message calling on the President not to reapply for old never .

The following public the video message the girl and I invite you to spread it through this wonderful instrument that is the internet. Post it on Facebook, put it on Twitter or publish it on your blog (like I do).

Mariluna Bartolo, this is the name of the girl, has also created a Facebook page entitled " Berlusconi, I am a child, I ask you not re-nominated never , which has about 3900 fans. Even here, we invite you to subscribe to the page and show it Mariluna its disagreement to a man who does not have the dignity to resign and thus save the institutions and the good name of Italy in the world.

Essere accusati di concussione e prostituzione minorile non sono noccioline, eh? E' qualcosa di ben più pesante. E di fronte ad un'accusa del genere è bene che il diretto interessato faccia un passo indietro per il bene del Paese . Se è innocente come dice, e come i suoi fedelissimi ed i suoi seguaci asseriscono con tanta veemenza (al punto di proporre di abbassare la maggiore età - ma senza effetto retroattivo a che cavolo serve???) che vada davanti ai PM comunisti, spioni ed invidiosi e dimostri la sua estraneità ai fatti. 

Potete trovare l'appello di Mariluna anche su .
Altri articoli interessanti sul Rubygate, potete trovarli su Diritto di Critica .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Determining What Webcam I Have

Tutorial: Technical lace needle. Part Two: The Beginning.

Nel post precedente avevo spiegato come preparo il cartone, cioè la base del merletto.
Ora dobbiamo stendere un filo sul contorno, sarà quello su cui ci attaccheremo durante la lavorazione del merletto, in pratica sostituisce la stoffa su cui si lavorano gli sfilati e il reticello.

Il sistema che uso è un po' particolare, richiede una preparazione leggermente longer but then you can work quickly and accurately.
I practice holes along the outline, at a distance of 2 to 3 mm. I use my magical drill that I showed in the article on tools, but can be replaced by a needle, only that the operation becomes a bit 'difficult and painful for your fingers.
books this operation is never recommended direct puncture of the cardboard with a needle and thread, while posing the line of the track. I tried to skip this step, but it takes a long time to figure out where the hole when I go back to the right, and I can not be so precise.

Scusate la scarsa qualità dell'immagine

Il filo di contorno viene solo appoggiato sul cartone, tenuto da una serie di punti eseguiti nei buchini che abbiamo fatto.
Per il merletto ho deciso di usare il retors d'Alsace n° 12, lo fermerò con un filo da cucire; di solito cerco di usare filo di colore simile a quello del merletto perchè quando si rimuove, alla fine del lavoro, possono restare dei peletti che sono antiestetici se di colore contrastante. Questa volta uso un filo bianco, per rendere visibili i punti.
Fisso bene il filo da cucire sul rovescio, con un nodo all'imbastitura che ferma gli strati di cardboard, then go out on the right.

contour usually made using a double thread, then I have a piece of pink wire with a length equal to twice the contour. As shown in the photo above, fold it in half and formed a loop in which step the needle with sewing thread.
pull the wire and stop the loop by a point made in this same hole.

pull the sewing thread and here on the back that my loop is stopped, and I can start and extend the boundary.

I turn the cardboard on the back, so I can see where devo infilare l'ago e velocizzo il lavoro

Esco sul diritto e rientro nello stesso buchino, "abbracciando il filo del tracciato che resterà fermato da un secondo punto.

Proseguo in questo modo lungo tutto il contorno. Il filo dev'essere appoggiato regolarmente, non dev'essere troppo tirato dai punti, e soprattutto non si deve mai passare sul rovescio (succede se si tirano proprio tanto i punti fatti col filo da cucire). Se succedesse verrebbe tagliato con l'imbastitura alla fine, quando si toglie il pizzo dal cartone, e il lavoro non terrebbe insieme.

Ecco come si presenta il filo del tracciato:

Here is the finished outline:

At this point we still love the end part to the initial one.
Using a small crochet hook two wires are passed through the loop end of the first part

The same result is achieved by placing the two wires in a needle and making pass through the loop, I used the hook to give me a little 'tone ;-)

The net effect is this:

time remaining to fix the two tails of yarn to a few cm, one will be superimposed on the initial part and the other on the final turn back, so as not to create too thick, and fixed with a few points above the previous record of facts' padding.

I am a bit 'anxious and I'm always afraid of this step to undo all the tails on the wrong side of the track and cut leaving a few centimeters, but I think, a time stops for a few cm on the two sides could also be cut on the right.

This is the outline ready to start the lace

true, those of Burano, use a system much faster: make a point along the boundary with the sewing machine, and wrap up the thread of this path. My skill with the sewing machine are not likely to follow the complex contours with precision, so I prefer to use this ancient method, which they use in France, Belgium and England.
The materials are different: they use multiple layers of rice paper on which to support the design, layout on the reverse of the tracing paper.

HERE you can download a PDF version of the tutorial

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sign Wedding Card Coworker

Borghezio sull'Abruzzo

Il folkloristico Mario Borghezio , volto noto per le sue esternazioni al limite della decenza , si è lasciato andare anche oggi ad inarrivabili bassezze. Questa volta l 'oggetto delle sue vergognose parole sono stati gli abruzzesi , colpiti dal sisma del 6 aprile 2009. 

Borghezio, today's guest KlausCondicio word uttered thus: "Q his part of the country never changes, Abruzzo is a dead weight for us as all of South . We need one click of the dignity of the Abruzzese. Po is healthy realism. "

perceived that he exaggerated, he then denied" I would not dream of saying that the quake and Abruzzo Abruzzo are a dead weight for the country. My disappuntoe ', if anything, for the umpteenth confirmation of the attitude that the government, more' ancora che le popolazioni, del meridione, mettono in campo di fronte ai problemi, alle emergenze ed alle catastrofi: quello cioe’ di far prevalere le tradizionali, eterne aspettative nei confronti dello Stato centrale, anziche’ rimboccarsi le maniche come hanno dimostrato di saper e voler fare, ad esempio, le popolazioni venete, anche di recente ".

Ma smentito o non smentito, le sue parole restano...guardate il video intorno al minuto 9:00...

Ormai we no longer surprised at this great human being from the physical thickness, but by the very low thickness of the cultural and moral ...
Borghezio Congratulations and thank you for the beautiful pictures that you do in Europe ...
ps Maybe apologize to aquliani would not be so bad ...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lube For Masterbation

Project for the New Year: tutorial on the technique of lace needle. Part One: the materials. Feedback from the Web

When you start the new year it is customary to look Back to evaluate the old year and making plans for the new one, we want to be left behind?
My main project as regards the blog, is to give impetus to a series of tutorials that explain in a simple way how to make lace needle. It would be more correct to say as I do, because I did not follow academic courses, the technique I use is the result of what I learned in short workshops, books and many trials. This is the method that gives me the best results in the simplest way.

I thought of starting a small business, a simple square, just to see how you set up your work and get some 'hands on the exchange wire, margins, finishing. It seems pointless to set a big job, being an experiment which is certainly not satisfactory.

This picture illustrates the need, as you can see a few things readily available.

In the upper left is the drawing of a square with 3 cm per side, on the right is a piece of tracing paper, you can replace it with baking paper, is a bit 'more fragile, but that's okay.
Below are two pieces of light card, I use the final page of magazines because it is very flexible, but also the card works like Bristol.
On the right is the thread that I have chosen Perl or Twisted No. 12 Fiorentino, or Rétors d'Alsace. Of course it is an unorthodox choice, but it is easy to work, you can clearly see (too!) Any errors. There is also a spool of sewing thread, sewing thread to add the same (quasi!) color of Perl, if possible.
If you use the lace to the white wire or very light color would be best to do the drawing on colored paper, so you can see the points better at work, the other alternative is to cover the drawing with a sheet of plastic desiva a colored, a process which uses the British, but in my area I've never found it.

prepare the card to work on the lace.
superimpose the two sheets of cardboard, paper and drawing with tracing paper and combine it all with un'imbastitura, stopping well wire with knots on the reverse. Eventually we round the corners with scissors. This seems unnecessary, but it's very useful because if we have the sharp edges of the wire will tend to engage in every step, making the work more tedious.

Here is how the card:

HERE you can download the PDF version

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Multiplication Charts 1000x1000

It 'now time to report some news found around the web. Before
news: the Metropolitan Museum in New York has put online its collection of European sculpture and decorative arts, which includes a lot of textiles. Under the heading Laces are 4925 pieces! Unfortunately the pictures are not very large, only a few cases you can see the details, and often the explanations are generic. However, a unique opportunity to admire its beauty, also because these pieces are on permanent display in the halls.

second innovation: it is again visited the site Tuttoricamo , in a version that does not require updates, but it contains all articles published in the past, some very interesting regarding the merltto Needle as this and this sull'Aemilia Ars on Lucia Costantini, one of the few world-famous lace of Burano, the Italian translation of the famous seventeenth-century poem La Revolte des Passements .

Third signaling: a beautiful lace Chebka article, published on lacenews . For several months Laurie Waters created the blog to report news Lacenews lace, and every week there's a post on the sale of lace on ebay, also interesting for collectors because it is not often the pictures are very detailed, a post indicating " Lace Days "in the U.S. and England (and there are many!), exhibitions and more. The
Dec. 29 published an article about a beautiful lace did not know, the Tunisian Chebka lace, needle made, such as the knotted lace Armenia, Oya, and the puncetto point needle Latronico. The post is very interesting and worth a thorough read, contains the scan of two books (the only ones on this topic), in French: Chebka, Dentelle Arabe, a manual written by missionary nuns who taught this technique and Dentelles et Broderies Tunisiennes, a rare book, which contains many photographs of artifacts, interesting because it allows you to see the typical patterns, very special.

With a manual available maybe I could refrain from trying this technique?
The result:

Good. There is room for improvement loooong, I think. But I like the design, I find modern and unusual. If I had the time (and unfortunately this is a condition all my life) I would try to do it seriously. Who knows that this report does not give it a try with someone else is more acceptable.

play from December, Google launched Google NGram viewer that allows you to see how often words appear in the books, as a function of time. Here's the chart for needlelace and needlepoint lace. Below is a list of books reviewed.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Long Does An Hiv Rash Last?


To be honest the past year, despite the great achievements of December 13, that my first degree (in Science and Technology of Musical Communication), has not been a good year. The year 2010 has disappointed me a lot, unfortunately. And even a goal as important as a degree, can not bilanciare le delusioni e le aspettative tradite che provengono da altre parti della mia vita e del mondo che mi circonda. 
Il 2010 è stato un anno in cui ci sono stati troppi problemi, incomprensioni, discussioni e quant'altro di negativo a livello personale. Sul piano politico, invece, sono da segnalare durissimi attacchi diffamatori e strumentali nei confronti della mia persona e della mia attività politica e di blogger. Attacchi dettati da chissà quali oscuri "motivi" o "interessi" di parte. Ma di questi attacchi io me ne frego, altamente. 

addition to graduation, however, there have been other moments and events, positive and very positive, but not enough to make me consider 2010 as a good year.

This is not 2011 I can only hope a little bit the same things that I had hoped for 2010, hoping to finally be realized.
wish you all the possible good and happiness to my family, my true friends, to all people who respect me and I consider it a good person, honest, loyal and helpful to my cats and Duff, and Leo Kelly.
wish myself to be able to realize all the projects that I have set this to 2011, and, most important of all, I hope I can find a 'stable and well paid employment or who like me, push me and help me grow humanly, socially and professionally.
I wish myself to continue my journey with excellent academic results, but also political, with the hope that many of the solutions I have in mind could lead to a better quality of life of our territory.

I wish, however, all possible evils to all those who live in falsehood and hypocrisy, all the poisonous snakes that slither in the shadows, ready to hit the man who is their "enemy." I hope the hell the dregs of society Italic criminals which soil the name of our country, those who make the discrimination, racism, classism, extremism and hypocrisy of their daily bread. As always, the hope is also to use as the cap is supposed to be the bottle!

And to all you who try to hinder this year in creating my projects, I give this warning: You have no fear. We will address and I'll put my feet on his head. Does not lower his head and I will never ever claim my reasons. I will walk with heads held high proud to be who I am and proud of what I could be if the act of writing is my destiny I will be able to win all the time on envy and hatred, how would the dear Silvio, and I wish him a peaceful life, but far political agony.