Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rash That Feels Like A Scratch

exchange greeting cards

years are included in the mailing Arachne list , frequented by people who love the lace, all types, from the bobbin tatting. For some years to organize an exchange of Christmas greeting cards with lace, you can see the entire series here . This year I participated. Susie, who lives in Illinois, I received this card:

Sorry for the bad photos

containing AOn lace run, complete with a dove Metal:

I was really lucky!
I sent this card of course made with needle lace (of 32 only 2 were exchanged needle):

And this is my design, if someone wants to try it:

At this point we should also exchange virtual greetings!
I send my best wishes for a happy Christmas with Rudolph, a Christmas song that always makes me very happy

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Examples Of Church Anniversary Protrams

Camera Car Fiat Uno Turbo Taba Pomposa

Here's the video of the day at the pomposity of Kartodromo 12/12/2010

Taba won 2nd place in class and the 6th fastest time, ahead only single-seater car!

Excellent performance and then personal best by almost two seconds down from 1.08.4 to 1.06.7!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Iron Gym Break Door Frame

A phone call will lengthen the life ...

A phone call will lengthen the life: he was an old advertising slogan Telecom.
On the contrary, often a telephone call while on the machine may instead cost the lives of others, especially if done without the device (headset or speakerphone) is prescribed for frequent legge.Ed, turning the street, run into idiots who do stunts to hold the phone to your ear while driving drunk, as you touch even and centered as you happened to two unfortunate cyclists in Tuscany.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Can You Snowboard With A Hip Replacement

Working Tools

I think the needle lace is the technique that requires less tools, are just a few things, easy to find, easy sostitruibili: needle, thread, paper drawing, transparent paper, cardboard (including recovery), scissors, and thimble if you are unfamiliar with. A technique
very little dramatic.
However, there are accessories, more or less useful, but certainly fascinating. There we deprive? Never!
So I found the website of the Guild Needlelace this box:

In the picture you see: above a tool to make circles to use as the basis for the laces, I think Use eg nell'Hedebo. Then there is a very fine crochet hook, I use this places to go to the wire in "difficult", or to secure the wire at the end of the work. Also on the left is a punch made of wood, as well as to pierce the fabric used to give the right to form circles or garlands, using for example the interior of the flowers nell'aemilia ars. A mysterious right two instruments, it seems that are used in the work type Stumpwork to give the right to form flower petals or similar structures.
's not really something essential for survival, but the box is very nice, matte black exterior, red velvet lined, with polished wooden instruments. Let's say that it has a professional, here.
Bottom out of the box, there are two tools I use more. What left is just convenient, is used to pierce the boundaries of design, operation I think is essential to have a clean edge once it is fixed wire eserno. This can be done with the needle, but if the design has become very difficult. The drill, which I bought years ago by Canetti, with its ergonomically greatly facilitates the work.
The other tool is really essential to the tweezers, the plain beauty, the wires used to remove waste once the lace has been removed from the paper (they are the threads that are beginning to secure the wire frame) . I feel much better professional to use it after seeing the movie on the lace Alençon, where to, just like me. For small
laces I do not use the pillow, but for larger jobs it is essential to use both hands and make the work more evenly. Here's my pillow

As you might guess, is smaller and less hard than tomboli by bobbins, here the work is fixed by fpille security, and the cover should give a bit '. In front of the pillow is what should be the "Murello" are inserted between bobbin lace and to facilitate the work. It 's a simple piece of wood, il mio però è troppo scivoloso e pesante, è quasi inutilizzabile.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Direct Hair Implantation In San Francisco


For someone like me, unfortunately, if it were lost, this is the video Full of "The Dictator of Bunga Bunga ", which aired last night by of Land Rover Arena Bologna .

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sample Federal Civil Complaint

Tradire l'Italia (di Fabio Granata)

betray ' Italy has said: "Vittorio Mangano was a hero." Betraying
Italy is waging war on anti-mafia prosecutors and judges.
Italy Cheating is cheating the people of the Eagle, making the old town die.
betray ' Italy is to leave Naples submerged by trash and leave politics to Naples in the hands of those who sull'immondizia fa affari con la camorra.
Tradire l’Italia è riempirla di pale eoliche distruggendone il paesaggio, per gli affari di cricche, P3 e Mafie.
Tradire l’Italia è offenderne i giovani politicamente consapevoli, invitandoli a pensare a studiare e a non occuparsi di politica.
Tradire l’Italia è mortificarne le donne, il loro ruolo e la loro sensibilità, privilegiandone solo l’aspetto fisico in un perpetuo casting da velina a parlamentare.
Tradire l’Italia è far crollare Pompei e distruggerne le istituzioni culturali.
Tradire l’Italia è cacciare gli immigrati e negare cittadinanza a un milione di ragazzi italiani di seconda generazione.
Tradire l’Italia è dimenticare la nostra storia di emigrazione.
Tradire l’Italia è far marcire chi soffre in carceri inumane.
Tradire l’Italia è non occuparsi prioritariamente di chi non arriva a fine mese anziché delle proprie ossessioni giudiziarie.
Tradire l’Italia è insultare il mio amico Giancarlo Paglia, eroe di guerra .
Tradire l’Italia è insultare il tricolore o ricordarselo solo per qualche parata retorica.
Tradire l’Italia è strumentalizzare i nostri 21 martiri, caduti nel disinteresse di molti, mentre qualcuno pensava a Edilnord od ospitava mafiosi, e altri facevano affari e tramavano con i servizi.
Tradire l’Italia è non smantellare i segreti di stato sulle stragi. Betraying
Italy is stored via d'Amelio. Betraying
Italy is called a traitor who has courage, freedom, rage and passion. It is not for sale .

Source: Done The Daily .
Related articles on Blitz and blog 's On Fabio Granata, a member of the Future Freedom and

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hr Confidentiality Letter

Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza Stradale - PETIZIONE

Help us raise awareness of the Parliament on the problem of road accidents. You can copy and paste the following petition and send to the Presidents di Camera e Senato.
E' sufficiente la firma e copia di un tuo documento d'identità.
Campagna promossa da Basta un Attimo .


Al Signor Presidente 
della Camera dei Deputati
fax 06-6791407

Al Signor Presidente
del Senato della Repubblica
fax 06-67062022


Given that:

Italy has failed to reach the 2010 targets set by the European Charter for Road Safety. The decrease of 50% of the accidents stopped to just above 30% and recent data indicate that there daily, on Italian roads, killed an average of 11.6 people, for a total of 4,237 deaths in 2009 alone;

according to Istat none of the Italian regions is closer to the objective and eight European regions that have had an increase in accidents and road deaths in recent years;

concrete actions are needed to reduce road accident casualties than ever and we need a new structure designed to provide the right support to all institutions involved in various capacities, as well as proper coordination of preventive actions and enforcement undertaken by the institutions themselves or by the various organizations in the area, this in order to ensure an adequate level of road safety, organized and in line with new EU objectives;

pursuant to art. 50 of the Constitution,

wonders che

la Camera dei Deputati ed il Senato della Repubblica adottino provvedimenti legislativi tendenti all'istituzione di una “Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza Stradale”, a cui vengano conferiti poteri speciali per contrastare il fenomeno dell’incidentalità stradale.

Un'agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza Stradale...avrei già in mente la persona in grado di presiederla e di ideare e sviluppare progetti innovativi e a coordinare tutti gli enti coinvolti a vario titolo nella prevenzione degli incidenti stradali e nella repressione dei comportamenti vietati dal Codice della Strada. Alla faccia di tutti coloro che se ne sono infischiati del mio progetto innovativo, che da oltre un anno giace impolverato da qualche parte. Attendo ancora una risposta dal lontano 26 novembre 2009...Arriverà mai? 

Datemi il tempo di discutere la tesi (settimana prossima) e poi tornerò alla carica per sostenere questa ed altre lodevoli iniziative e per fare in modo che il progetto da me ideato venga finalmente realizzato e possa dare i suoi frutti in termini di vite salvate.

Philips Freevents Mt1700 Drivers

Risultati del sondaggio "Caso Ruby: Berlusconi deve dimettersi?"

It was closed a few days ago, the poll " Case Ruby Berlusconi should resign?" which was attended by 46 players Wind of Change.

These are the answers:
SI: 33 (72%)
NO: 12 (26%)
I do not know: 1 (2%)

Prevedibilissima a landslide victory of the "Yes", although personally I think there are other reasons much more serious for which our dear Silvio should resign.
I perplime much that one "I do not know" ...